100 Free Dating Site Personnel In Europe

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Last updated December 17, 2021

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This list was compiled to save you from scammers and definitely not to endorse you trying synthetic drugs! Whatever you do, please make sure to have made yourself familiar with your local legislation, ideally before trying to order Crystal Meth online!
Generally speaking, there is no such thing as legal. Neither is there anything like a “grey area”. If you murdered somebody, where would you draw the line? I know, because where else would you ever have seen or heard about something being neither legal nor illegal but kind of greyish. “Grey-area” is a marketing trick invented by people trying to sell you poison hoping to get away with it.
Not explicitly banned/scheduled does not make things legal!
Important: Every country has its own unique set of rules, commonly referred to as law, especially when it comes to recreational drugs / synthetic designer drugs / psychotropic substances / New Psychoactive Substances / hard drugs / soft drugs/drugs / (prescription) medicine/chemicals in general. Some countries celebrate the act of forbidding to punish more intensely than others. An example: A product legal in the Netherlands could be a schedule I (yes, considered a hard drug just like heroin) already in their neighboring country Belgium!
That the United Nations (UNO) respectively the World Health Organization (WHO) schedules/bans/forbids/criminalizes/substances worldwide since 1972 does make such substances illegal worldwide. There are many who care a lot about the UN list of banned substances, including manufacturers of Research Chemicals. Something illegal is nothing a serious chemist will produce. Please remember this.
An example for where a country gives a fuck about the treaties they signed and ignores the UN / WHO might not exist. Cannabis is considered illegal and dangerous by the UN / WHO. US Government / DOH / DEA also have scheduled/banned/forbidden Cannabis. The State of California, however, might be one of a few not sending potheads to prison.

Whatever you do please make sure to be familiar with the harm that drugs cause.

The scene is defined by people with severe mental health issues.
René, Sellkies, that dude dealing with autism losing thousands of dollars to scammers every year and impossible to talk to because his emails do not make any sense, are just three of us.
Besides Auti, Sellki, and René, this is NOT a hen or egg problem! Recreational drugs definitely cause harm that cannot be undone. There is no undo button for your brains. If you are prone to psychoses, and experience drug-induced psychoses – good night & good luck.
If you struggle with depression, anxiety, problems falling asleep, etc., please FUCKING SEEK A PROFESSIONAL! Talk to your doctor before it gets worse!
Don’t even think of doing stuff like Benzodiazepines on a daily basis. Stop them after 14 days the latest.
Don’t try Dissoziatives, they are poisoning your brain.
* * *
NPS are considered trash.
The content below is about recreational drugs and greedy peeps wanting to get richer and richer.

Serious drug testing services warn you if your, e.g., MDMA pill contained unknown/probably toxic as hell trash substances aka NPS/Research chemicals. We do not know what they sell us. I can tell you for sure that many do not care at all. Many do not even know.
The profit margin is A LOT higher than with common drugs. For many, that’s the only reason they offer you trash substances.
The average NPS had never been allowed to be tested on living creatures. And you still think of ordering?

Maybe talk to a doctor. Thank you!


EUROPE – RC Vendors (NPS) that are said to ship

  • Azarius (NL)
  • Chemcloud (NL)
  • Chemical Collective (NL)
  • Chemical Planet (NL)
  • Chemistry King (former 3-MMC King) (NL)
  • Chem.eu (NL/EU)
  • Crypto Chems (NL)
  • FX Chem Labs (EU)
  • GET-RC / IVOLABS / Rechemco EU-Retail (EU)
  • Home ChemistryFunCaps (NL)
  • Jukis Lab / 3mmc4cmc (NL/EU)
  • Mefisto RC (EU)
  • Predator-RC (NL/EU)
  • RCN winkel (NL)
  • RareChems (NL)
  • Smokey’s Chem Site / GR8 Research EU (NL)
  • The Cathinone Nazi (EU)

EUROPE – Shops that are said to ship according to anonymous forum postings

  • Labsense (NL)
  • OrangeChems (NL)

EUROPE – The Swedes (of unknown status) 🌟🧪🩹🤴👸✍👩‍🔬👨‍🔬

  • rc-inrikes.com (EU)
100 Free Dating Site Personnel In Europe

EUROPE – Shops of unknown status

100 Free Dating Site Personnel In Europe
  • 4fma (NL)
  • aimimichem (NL)
  • aromaticz (NL)
  • Chems Research (NL)
  • Dutch City Sales / Skookums (NL)
  • Highstore (NL)
  • Micro 1P (NL)
  • Quemist (NL)
  • RC Chems (NL)

EUROPE – Shops to #Avoid


  • Coolchems (EU; #Avoid: Insane prices!)
  • Eurochems (NL; out of business?)
  • EU Synth (EU; Sub par quality)
  • Foche (EU; Idiots.)
  • Funky Lab (EU; #Avoid: Devastating reviews both about substances and selective scamming!)
  • PromumChem (NL)
  • Serious Molecule (NL; #Avoid: Serious gangsta!)

EUROPE – Shops that started to scam



  • Europe Lab RC (NL; #AVOID!)
  • The Real RC / RCT TEAM / xchems (NL; #AVOID)

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EUROPE – Shops Cemetery

Top Free Dating Site

Such will only steal your money!

  • Chemtheory (NL)
  • GRandKG (EU)
  • Joker RC (EU)
  • Ketamine EU (EU)
  • Lisergia Wave (EU)
  • New Forms (NL)
  • silkmixture/s (EU)
  • Synthetics pro (EU)

Shop List Europe: RC Vendors that are said to ship


Europe: Shops which are said to ship (according to anonymous forum posts)

These shops would sometimes receive good reviews but since two-thirds of shop reviews are fake and we do not know anyone personally having ordered with these, we decided to list them but cannot vouch for any of them.


Europe: Shops of unknown status

These either are too new to have received reviews yet, some might be gone for good already. No one knows. Don’t order! Would you happen to know any of these? If so, please contact us. Thank you!

If you decided to order with vendors that are not listed ABOVE,

please DO check them against our little list of known scammers (including the comments) AND always use BOTH Qwant.com AND Google.com, to get a picture of if that vendor is a scam or not. PS: Never trust a drug dealer. PS: Don’t believe anything you read on the internet.
How do I recognize scam shops? An example:
If a shop offers obviously illegal to order substances, like Crystal Meth or prescription meds, stay away from them!
Also, please understand that scammers post up to a hundred positive reviews for themselves – every single day! Scamming has become a multi-million-dollar business, these ill-minded guys would sometimes act professional, may have studied marketing, or might be trained sales agents who understand the psychology involved in how to make you buy with them. Also, a single scam might already mean a fortune profit for criminals living in poor countries. So they won’t stop flooding the web with their fake reviews, it pays off for them, they do not feel sorry, since they imagine the Western World with an endless stream of money.

Europe: Shops to better avoid

These shops are known for offering extremely poor quality or completely inactive substances. Some sell highly toxic substances, others are insanely expensive, or even have caused their customers hospitalizations due to selling mislabeled substances, some do not only seem sketchy but obviously are run by lying criminals.


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Europe: Shops that started to scam

These shops will just take your money and never ship. Some of them could be so-called “Selective Scammers” which means that they would maybe ship your first order but from then on will only steal your money. Forget that. Don’t even think of placing an order with any of them: A scammer is a scammer, is a scammer, there is nothing left to say.



Europa: Shops Cemetary

These shops have exit-scammed, got busted or whatever… They are not any longer and if their domains (internet adresses) run out, criminals might buy them to scam you. So avoid these shops, they are gone for good!

Such will only steal your money!

  • Chemtheory (chemtheory com, health issue)
  • GRandKG (grandkg com, busted or exit scammed)
  • Hazard Chems (hazardchems.se (Sweden, EU) semms to have exit scammed)
  • Lisergiawave (lisergiawave com, probably busted)
  • silkmixture (silkmixtures com / silkmixture com, returned under a new name)
  • Spain City Sales (by the end of 01/2021 he announced to close and refers customers to skokuums)
  • Synthetics pro (synthetics pro, busted)
  • nlbestrc.com (was run by the guy from Europe Chemicals. This dude carried out a major exit scam in 2018 and again in early 2019.)
  • Joker-RC (jokerrc.ml, exit scammed in 2021)