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While it’s hard to say whether the post–COVID vaccine period will bring on a surge of hedonism like the storied decade that followed the 1918 pandemic, a quick scan of the maskless, largely naked boys of New York’s Jacob Riis Beach on a recent weekend suggests that, at least for the local queer crowd, the ’20s are entering a full roar, baby. And as bottoms, tops, and N95s hit the floor this Pride month, a new hookup website (that’s website, not app) has poised itself to strut past the more familiar Grindrs and Scruffs on our phones and capitalize on all the horned-up, post-quarantine energy.

Sniffies is an upstart gay hookup site(NSFW!) that’s seeking to harken back to the old days of cruising, giving users a freak-forward user interface that shreds the decency mandates of the app stores and allows users to instantly locate the nearest dick or ass floating (literally, as photo icons) around in their neighborhoods on a live updated GPS map. The approach cuts out the tedious texting and etiquette now so common on the traditional apps and in some ways calls back to the experience of the bathhouse—only in this case, the bathhouse is a five-mile radius of city blocks.

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The experience of logging on for the first time to find yourself immersed in a sea of genitals is both thrilling and overwhelming. Sniffies encourages users to get out of the house and explore what’s around them, mapping out a network of cruising hot spots from public restrooms and wooded enclaves to porn theaters and glory holes. Users are only visible when actively connected to the site, and the UI leans into this ephemerality by regularly purging chats and encounter histories. Where a Grindr hookup might be months in the making, if someone is currently logged on to Sniffies, you have a pretty good idea they’re serious about meeting up then and there, wherever that may be.

When I first stumbled across Sniffies in the midst of quarantine-induced thirst, it struck me how much I appreciated the simple joy of seeing the real-life bodies of my neighbors, albeit usually from the waist down. In the age of working from home, Sniffies is the ideal outlet to find no-strings-attached, casual hookups or lunch break sexual experimentation. My first hookup over the site came a couple of months ago, shortly after leaving the gym on a Wednesday afternoon. Feeling too worn out to bike home right away, I loaded up the map and started up a conversation with an appealing torso halfway to my apartment who invited me over in between work calls for some post-workout “recovery.”

Information about Sniffies’ origins is hard to come by. The site has existed in some form or another since 2018, but only in the past year—especially since the loosening of pandemic restrictions—has it truly seemed to materialize. To learn more, I spoke to Sniffies’ chief marketing officer Eli Martin. I asked Martin to explain the app’s funny name, its place in the zeitgeist, and what it may have to say about the future of hooking up.

Our conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Rhodes Murphy: Can you tell me just a little bit about Sniffies’ origins? Where did the idea come from?

Eli Martin: The name Sniffies originally came from an earlier site that was built for trading underwear.

Oh my God, amazing. I’ve been so curious about the name. It’s so weird.

Yeah, that’s what that was originally. We kept the domain, because it’s obviously a very unique name. We’re working with a trademark agency now, and they’re like, “The coolest thing about you guys is this is supereasy to trademark because your name is so unique.” But now, “Sniffies,” the name, what it refers to is more of sniffing out what’s around you, sniffing out the fun, more of that feeling of cruising. It doesn’t necessarily mean for our users they have to be into …

Into smelling.

Sniffing underwear or socks, which, sure, a lot of our users are. I definitely am.

Anyway, it just gave the site a fun name, and we actually love the fact that everyone has their own take on it.In the beginning, it started in Seattle. And the original ways we were advertising was on Craigslist. I don’t know if you’re superfamiliar with Seattle, but it’s kind of this kinky place. There’s a lot of gay guys there who are willing to try new things, and there definitely is a cruising scene there.

Well, yeah, there’s so much forest to …

Oh, exactly. You’ve got trees all around; you’ve got tons of natural places to go. And so, what we found in the beginning was just this stickiness. Guys would come on the map, and then they would come back every day to check it. And the cool thing about that, too, is we’re not even an app. It’s a website, so you have to physically type it in. Now you can save it to your phone, but originally you’re just going to this website, checking it out, and I think just this feeling of “back to the old days of cruising” and allowing guys to explore in this real-life way, seeing where people are on a map, is just so much more fun than looking at a grid of guys.

What do you think Sniffies is providing people that is different from other popular dating or hookup apps?

I think the biggest difference right now is Grindr and these other apps have so many different uses. Grindr’s really become like a Facebook. It’s like you can go on there and you can find anything. You can find a boyfriend; you can maybe sell a car. Who knows, find your best friend. But Sniffies is superspecific. You’re going on there to find guys, have these intimate experiences, and I think leaning into that was what was so smart for us. … We don’t disguise ourselves as a dating app. It’s very sex forward.

I’ve been describing it as “freak forward.”

I love that. Very fun. And I think all of us have a little freak in us, right? But I don’t think it’s limited to who you’d consider a freak. The biggest difference is that you don’t have to download this app. It’s something you can hop on and use whenever. That has opened a whole new way for guys who are maybe on the [sexuality] spectrum and experimenting to be able to experience something with another guy and not feel like they are downloading this app and committing to something. We found even talking to people who have worked at Grindr and stuff like that, one of their biggest use cases is people that download Grindr and then delete it. And then the next day, they download it again because obviously they’re horny again. And then they get on the app and have to make a new profile. So we’ve totally taken that step away for users that want to use it in more of this whenever they’re feeling it kind of situation.

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Was there any kind of direct source of inspiration? My editor said it reminded him of Pokémon Go.

Pokémon Go did, I think, come up. And I think there were even ideas in the very beginning of gamifying the site, though we decided it was the wrong way to go for us. I will say, staring at a grid when no one’s around, it’s like, at least if you’re staring at Sniffies and not finding someone, you get to have this fun experience looking at a lot of dicks and butts around a map.

Like, “Oh, all these people are around me. That’s great,” or “Oh, I didn’t know there was a glory hole around the corner from my house.”

I mean, come on, what’s more interesting than that? Exactly.

Right. It feels much more like you’re prioritizing the real world, visceral interactions between users over creating drawn-out virtual ones.

Absolutely. I think that our site is creating a way where guys feel completely open about asking for what they want and then getting it in a short amount of time. And I think there’s this excitement for cruising, which used to be and still is somewhat taboo. We’re also offering a new way to experiment and get off at a time when they’ve just left a stage of their life during the pandemic where we’ve been completely pent up, scared, and maybe only around one person or a small group. This is the summer of reconnecting, I would say, with the masses. Not just your boyfriend or whatever, but we’re wanting to get out there. So these guys that want to just go out and get off.

Would you say that capturing the old school experience of cruising is the main goal of the site?

The main inspiration was those moments that people have when they wish that they had done something or that they actually had the balls to talk to someone in a situation where you see someone cruising that’s in person, that’s 5 feet away from you, but you don’t actually do anything about it. We realized we have all these other apps for meeting people, but none of them feel instantaneous. Sniffies creates a place where you might see someone and you could look on the site and realize that’s the same person next to you. Or if you’re looking at the site in, say, a park or a public place, that you can see that these guys are around you. People don’t necessarily always want to swap a lot of pics and a lot of conversation. I’ve had plenty of times where I’ve spoken to guys for months and never met up with them. That almost never happens on Sniffies. If I don’t end up meeting up with them pretty immediately, it doesn’t really happen.

We all know that when it comes to Texas everything is big. It should, therefore, be no surprise that the biggest city in Texas is going to be something special. Of course, we are talking about Houston.

Large and bustling with a proud and friendly people, Houston is a place where fun can be had in a big way. If you are curious about how easy it is to set up a Houston hookup when you are in town, we can assure you that you will have plenty of opportunities.

— What Makes Houston so Hookup Friendly —

Named after the man who is often referred to as the father of Texas, Sam Houston — Houston is a gleaming and modern city located on a gulf coastal plain. Home to the oil, space, transportation, and services industry, Houston has a large and diverse population. However, in spite of its size — which is over six million people when you count the entire metropolitan area — Houston still retains the friendliness common with any Texas town. That means that its single women are not only beautiful but also extremely charming and accessible.

It is as if Houston combines the very best of Texas hospitality with the sophistication and comfort that could only come from the fourth largest city in the United States.

Your chances of finding a Houston hookup are increased by the fact that over half of its adult population is still single. Unlike other towns and cities in Texas where the majority of the population is “settled down,” Houston retains the type of youthful vigor that can only come when a large concentration of single men and women are present in the area. Yes, sir, Houston has plenty of opportunities to hook up.

— Finding a Houston Hookup —

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It doesn’t matter if you are just visiting Houston or if you are a new resident just settling in, finding a Houston hookup will be made easier for you if rustle yourself up a little help.

This help can come in many ways. If you have friends in Houston plenty will be willing to be your wingman and help you to get hooked up. After all, that’s what good Texans do for their buds. However, what if there was a more efficient and practical way to find as many Houston hookups as you please? What if there were a way to go home with a Houston hottie that did not involve spending night after night hanging out in clubs and bars? Would that pique your interest?

Fortunately for you, there is a much better way to find Houston hookups. This involves using online hookup platforms that offer solid coverage in the Houston area. Mind you, using any old dating site might not get you the results that you are seeking. However, if you focus on any of the following three hookup sites you are bound to come out on the other side with plenty of stories and memories of all of the Houston casual encounters that you enjoyed.

— The 3 Easiest Sites to Find Casual Partners in Houston —

1. InstaBang

InstaBang is a no-nonsense type of hookup site. It is designed specifically for men and women who know what they want. There is no beating around the bush on InstaBang. This means that you will not waste your time on the site.

There is a large number of Houston residents who use InstaBang on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, if you were to conduct a search for potential hookup matches on InstaBang with Houston as the desired the location, you will easily get back hundreds of results. Even if you were to limit your search results to InstaBang members who are currently online, you will still get back hundreds of results. To be honest, not all cities fair this well when you conduct such a search. In some cities, you would be lucky to get back a dozen results. This is proof positive that for Houston singles who are seeking fun, InstaBang is one of their dating sites of choice.

Another very useful aspect of InstaBang is that you can start searching for potential Houston hookups regardless of your current location. Its customizable search engine allows you to search for Houston hotties even while you may be in Toledo or Cincinnati. By searching in advance for potential Houston hookups, you save a great deal of time. Many users of InstaBang are able to have hookups already set up before they even arrive in Houston. Imagine the thrill and exhilaration that you would feel knowing that the moment that you land you already have some action set up and waiting for you.

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Some of you who have used other hookup sites may want a little further proof when it comes to the concept of hooking up in advance. Well, InstaBang offers you an excellent way to be reassured that your Houston hookup will be what you expect. This can be accomplished by using InstaBang’s video chat feature. This allows you to communicate with potential Houston hookups not just by text alone, but also through video chats. This works to the benefit of both of you. From your end, you will be able to verify that the woman that you will be hooking up with in Houston is the woman you saw in her profile picture. You will also be able to get a sense of her personality and her eagerness to be with you. She will derive greater peace of mind when she confirms that you are in fact a genuine guy looking for a hookup and not some random nut.

2. SocialSex

Unless you are a complete tech hermit, you should be reasonably familiar with the use of a social network. In all probability, you are already a member of a handful of them.

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What if we were to tell you that by simply joining one more social network you will greatly improve your chances of finding a Houston hookup? What if the doors to all of the casual encounters that you want could be opened with one social network?

While that setup might sound dramatic, the practical results obtained by users of SocialSex — a social network specifically designed to hook up and find casual encounters — confirm that such results are obtainable. This is especially true in the greater Houston area where thousands of eligible singles frequent the site on a daily basis.

Since SocialSex offers many categorized chatrooms and message boards, it is ideal for the vast and diverse population of Houston. You can find chat rooms for those seeking an encounter right there and there. You can also find chat rooms for specific sexual fetishes. If you prefer to keep things mellower, there are also chat rooms that are milder. There is literally something for everybody on SocialSex.

As good as the chatrooms are, they wouldn’t be as effective if it weren’t for the fact that SocialSex allows women to join the service for free. In Houston, this has resulted in the site having a gender ratio of roughly six women for every four men. Yes, there are more Houston women on SocialSex than men. You know what that means… unlike other sites where five guys have to compete for one woman, on SocialSex things are not as competitive. Hell, there are even times when multiple women will be competing for the attention of one guy.

If you’ve tried SocialSex in other cities you likely had a decent user experience. When you try it in Houston, however, you will have an absolutely fantastic experience.

3. AFF – AdultFriendFinder

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Even if you’ve never used an online hookup site before, chances are that you are familiar with the AdultFriendFinder brand. Commonly known as AFF, it is a hookup site that has been in continuous operation since 1996. In that time it has experienced consistent growth and achieved a user base that exceeds 80 million people worldwide.

When it comes to the Houston singles scene, Adult Friend Finder is extremely popular. It is estimated that over 250,000 Houston area residents have an AFF account. When you combine this large concentration of Houston AFF members with the highly customizable and powerful search engine offered by the site, you are going to get an extremely effective tool for finding Houston hookups.

AdultFriendFinder is unrivaled in the level of customization that users can apply when searching for a potential casual partner. The parameters include the basics, such as age range, gender, sexual orientation, physical attributes, and the like. However, unlike other hookup sites that end there, AFF includes a ton more. You can search based on individual sexual fetishes and fantasies too.

Not only is AFF effective but it is also true to the idea of bringing like-minded adults together. There is no bull crap on AFF. Its members are honest about what they want. This means that when you start up an online conversation you will have a very good chance of having it end in a real-world casual encounter. In Houston, 75 percent of active AFF members report having met at least one person for a real-world encounter. Those are mighty impressive and powerful success numbers, even for Texas.

Another benefit of using AdultFriendFinder is its transportability. Whether you are in Houston, Dallas, New York or London, AFF will always give you one of the best options to hookup. It is just that big and that effective.

— Special Quirks About Hooking Up in Houston —

In general, hooking up in Houston follows the pattern that is common in any big city. It is advisable that you first meet with your casual partner in a public place. This will make the both of you feel at ease and it will be a lot safer for the both of you. These types of initial encounters also allow you to make sure that the person you are hooking up with lives up to their online persona. After all, it’s a hookup. That means that you will probably only see each other that one day. If the sexual chemistry and attraction are not there, it is sometimes best to call it quits early instead of wasting the valuable time of the both of you.

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That being said, hooking up in Houston is not devoid of its unique little quirks. Even though a large segment of the single population is not originally from Houston —in other words, they moved there due to job opportunities from other parts of the country — Houston inhabitants still hold a quaint Texan charm.

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Houston residents take pride in appreciating local delicacies such as barbecue, Tex-Mex cuisine, and local craft beers. When hooking up with someone, a great way to get to know more about them and get them to open up and feel comfortable is to let them talk precisely about those things. Let them talk about the food and drink that they like in Houston. Let them suggest where to go to have those few drinks before jumping in bed.


Also, Houston residents — both men and women — take a great deal of pride in their sports teams. That means that you would be best served not dissing on any of the major Houston sports franchises. It also wouldn’t hurt touching up on some of the recent stats for the Astros, Texans, and Rockets.

— Conclusion —

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Aside from its weather during the summer months when it is hot and muggy, Houston is a wonderful Texas city. You always feel like you’re in a big city but at the same time, you feel the warmth and friendliness that comes from genuine Texas hospitality. For hookups, Houston is one of the best cities in the Southern United States, if not the whole country. Houston women are friendly, fun, and highly energetic and creative when it comes to those intimate moments. If you currently reside in Houston or plan to visit in the near future, meeting someone for a casual encounter will definitely be a worthwhile experience.